Principalists to make decision when Reformists coalesce

Young journalists club

News ID: 1279
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 11:03 - 04 June 2013
TEHRAN, YJC. The Principalist candidate says that his wing will make their mind after the Reform candidates have made a coalition.
Speaking in a meeting with students of the Open University on Monday, Qolamali Haddad Adel said in answer to a question regarding the Principalist side’s reaction to possible changes in the Reform front "If something like that happens we will make our own decision, too. That event, that is, a coalition between the Reformists, has not taken place yet.”

Haddad Adel also provided comments on the state of affairs in the Principalist coalition of 2+1, also known as the Development Coalition and said "For the time being it is not necessary that two people of the three step down for the other one.”

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