Iran’s Navy rescues Iranian oil tanker from pirates

Young journalists club

News ID: 14
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 14:50 - 28 January 2013
Iranian naval forces have rescued an Iranian oil tanker from an attack by a group of pirates approximately 20 nautical miles off Oman’s Masirah Island.
نیروی دریایی ایرانOn Sunday, two pirate speedboats attacked and tried to hijack an Iranian oil tanker but the Iranian Navy intervened and forced the pirates to flee the scene.
The Iranian Navy has been conducting anti-piracy patrols in the Gulf of Aden since November 2008 to safeguard the vessels involved in maritime trade, especially the ships and oil tankers owned or leased by Iran.
The Gulf of Aden, which links the Indian Ocean with the Suez Canal and the Mediterranean Sea, is the quickest route for thousands of vessels traveling annually between Asia, Europe and the Americas.

However, attacks by heavily armed Somali pirates on speedboats have prompted some of the world's largest shipping firms to switch routes from the Suez Canal and reroute cargo vessels around southern Africa, leading to climbing shipping costs.
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United States of America
04:53 03 May 1392
The comments' rhorteic has gone sideways, so I'll stick to the original question. Do Israel's Arab neighbors recognize the Iranian threat?Governments recognize the ideological threat, and collateral military threats. A major conflict with Iran that includes Israel and/or the US is likely to drag Lebanon and Syria (and consequently Egypt) along. Given today's military build-up figures, it will be a threat. The conflict, not Iran.How do people see it?Iran threatens Israel's technological and nuclear superiority. It is of course legal for any country to pursue nuclear technology, and logical for any country that neighbors a nuke-owning country (like Israel) to purse nuclear weapons. Strategic mutual deterrence is not a crime against world peace, especially when the countries that whine about it are all nuclear countries.You can't have monopoly on nuclear weapons in the region forever.And collectively, Arabs (people, not illegitimate governments) are not worried about a probable Iranian nuke, they're worried about 200+ actual Israeli nukes, and a US-army that is reinstating colonialism again.
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