Tehran, YJC. Lawmaker has emphasized that Rouhani needs cooperation with Principalists in order to create developmental opportunities both inside and outside the country.
Chancellor of the Majlis Supervision Committee said in an interview with Mehr
News Agency "Most Principalists will have positive interaction with and
reasonable support for the Rouhani administration, because the country’s
proprieties, the Leader’s special emphasis, and people’s demands are in
accompanying and supporting Mr. Rouhani and the new administration.”
Talaei Neek added "Depending on the Rouhani administration’s relations with Principalists,
the country will set off on a new track of domestic and foreign opportunities.”
He then
asserted "Based on the Supreme Leader’s guidelines, the Majlis Speaker and
other Lawmakers will try to keep close bonds with Mr. Rouhani to help form an
efficient government.”