Tehran, YJC. Chairman of the Hizbollah Coordination Council has demanded that Rouhani take action in regard to “the ones who turned the 40-million election into a threat against the country.”
Chairman of the Hizbollah Coordination Council Hossein Allahkaram said "Hassan
Rouhani chose economic mottos because of recent inflation and abnormalities
such as unemployment, whereas Mr. Aref would also give Reformist mottos.”
He added that although Rouhani's past is rather close to the Executives
and Western development, "one cannot deny the fact that he cooperated with the Reformists
as the Secretary of the Supreme Security Council.”
He added "The radical Reform current tries to make Rouhani pursue the
release of those who in 09 committed anti-security actions and turned the
country’s chances into threats. But all know that Rouhani's narrow victory
would not allow him to enter such areas.”
He warned that if Rouhani is enmeshed by the Reformists, they will drag
him everywhere, adding "We ask the President-elect to take care of those who
contributed to the killing of around 30 of our citizens, those who turned the
chance for a 40-million election in 09 into a threat against the country and
were hoodlum enough to disregard people’s vote.”