Iran, Russia, Turkey agree to continue anti-terrorism cooperation

Young journalists club

News ID: 16090
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 15:57 - 23 November 2017
TEHRAN, November 23 - Presidents of Iran, Syria and Turkey issued a statement, stressing their will to keep active cooperation for establishing peace and stability in Syria.

Iran, Russia, Turkey agree to continue anti-terrorismTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - They emphasized that they would continue their trilateral cooperation for making peace and stability in Syria based on what has been mentioned in Resolution 2254 of the UN Security Council.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani along with his Turkish and Russian counterparts Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Vladimir Putin are in Sochi, Russia, discussing the latest Syrian developments.

They also expressed satisfaction with the level of trilateral cooperation to preserve and boost the ceasefire regime in Syria guaranteed by the three countries.

They agreed to work closely until final defeat of Daesh, al Nusra and other terrorist groups.

The three sides announced that creating de-escalation zones in Syria through Astana process have been quite effective and considerably helped lessening violence, limiting the process of refugees and starting efforts to pave the way for safe returns of Syrian refugees.

They said that the Astana process and its achievements have been effective tools for helping peace and stability in Syria.

The three countries agreed to help Syrians in returning unity, achieving a political solution to the crisis through inclusive, free, fair and transparent Syrian-Syrian process which leads to creating the Constitution by popular support and holding free and fair election by presence of all eligible Syrian voters under appropriate UN observation.

They noted that political initiations should not weaken Syrian sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity.


iran ، russia ، turkey ، syria
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