Erdogan to make first Turkish presidential visit to Greece 'since 1952'

Young journalists club

News ID: 16102
Publish Date: 18:34 - 23 November 2017
TEHRAN, November 23 - President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will in the coming days visit Greece, a top official said Thursday, the first visit by a Turkish head of state to its neighbor in 65 years.

Erdogan to make first Turkish presidential visit to Greece 'since 1952'TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - Erdogan had himself, as prime minister, visited Greece in 2004 and 2010 but the trip will be the first by a Turkish president since Celal Bayer went to the country in 1952.

Turkey and Greece have a history of uneasy relations dating back to the creation of the modern Turkish Republic out of the ruins of the Ottoman Empire.

But Erdogan's Justice and Development Party (AKP), which came to power in 2002, has sought a more pragmatic relationship with Athens based on trade and tourism rather than nationalism.

"Our president will be the first Turkish president to visit Greece in 65 years," Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Hakan Cavusoglu, said without specifying the precise timescale, quoted by the Anadolu news agency.

"I think that this visit will have significant results," added Cavusoglu, who was born in Greece.

Ties between Ankara and Athens have also been aided after Alexis Tsipras, who is believed to enjoy a warm personal relationship with Erdogan, became prime minister in 2015.

Greece and Turkey both joined NATO in 1952 but the thaw between the two countries only began in earnest in 1999 after destructive earthquakes struck both nations within weeks of each other.

They also cooperated closely in the 2015 migration crisis, with Greece backing an EU deal for Turkey to stem the flow of migrants.

Source :AFP

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