Tehran, YJC. Hashemi has stressed preserving the tenets of the revolution.
The Head of the Expediency Discernment Council
of the Islamic Republic of Iran Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani providing comments on
the general state of affairs in the region as critical said on Tuesday "The Islamic
Republic of Iran first of all must safeguard its revolution, system, and achievements
and then, throught insight and prudence, pass through the imposed and regional
crises safely.”
In a meeting with a number of the clergy of Mohr county,
Fars, Hashemi pointed to the multiplicity of problems addressing the government
and said "The whole aspects, volume, and depth of the remaining problems are
not expressible to the common, but by putting trust in God and unstoppable work
and perseverance of the officials and the accompaniment of the people, problems
must be solved.”