Shojouni requests Hashemi removed from Council

Young journalists club

News ID: 2317
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 14:48 - 05 October 2013
Tehran, YJC. Combatant Clergy member says Ayatollah Hashemi tries to endear himself to the US and must be removed from office in the Expediency Council.

Member of the Combatant Clerical Society Jafar Shojouni in interview with Nedaye Enghelab pointed to Ayatollah Hashemi’s recent statement that Imam Khomeini had used to consider discontinuing the "Down with USA” slogan and said "Hashemi Rafsanjani is endearing himself to the US, helping them in such hard situations that has affected Obama where about one million are fired from the US government.”

Shojouni added "The house of Hashemi have taken up the revolution under their name and become billionaires. They go against the Supreme Leader by endearing themselves to Americans. Besides, helping the enemy is downright Haram.”

"Instead of helping the Leader, Hashemi is hurting him,” said the member of the Combatant Clerical Society, "He is revealing his dark inside. He must be kicked out of the Expediency Council the same way he was disqualified by the Guardian Council.”

"The fans of Hashemi are a bunch carried away by the ‘Long Live USA’ slogan. It is a pity that a filthy policy has made Hashemi embody such surrender and servitude,” Shojouni exclaimed.


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