Tehran preacher: West needs to remove sanctions to build trust

Young journalists club

News ID: 2477
Publish Date: 11:18 - 26 October 2013
Tehran, YJC. Friday preacher has said that in the nuclear case there is nothing more trustworthy than the Supreme Leader’s fatwa, and that the West needs to remove sanctions in order to build trust on their part.

In his speech before the Friday prayers, Sediqi pointed to the Iran-5+1 nuclear negotiations and said "The first thing here is building trust. We know this statement to be far from reality, because Iran’s progress since the beginning of the revolution has been clear as a mirror in crusade, elections, the Imam, the nation; there has been no ambiguity in our movement.”

He added "Their cameras are active in our nuclear centers. They have all movements under control. If they say they’d want to come unexpectedly for inspections this is nothing new for us and we have no fear.”

"If negotiations are mentioned,” he asserted "it does not come from the week position. We are in power and the US, in all its history of being American, has never been weaker.”

Sediqi stated "The recent talks showed that Iran relies on rationality and is powerful. Negotiations are a global need, because the economies of France and America also tell of their miseries. This is an international issue and this comes from the position of Islam and our dignity.”

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