Saudi Arabia agrees to admit Iranian diplomat to head interests section

Young journalists club

News ID: 26989
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 12:01 - 06 August 2018
TEHRAN, August 5 - Saudi Arabia has agreed to issue visa to an Iranian diplomat to head the Islamic Republic’s interests section in the kingdom, in a rare move after the two countries broke off relations two years ago.

Saudi Arabia agrees to admit Iranian diplomat to head interests section

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - An informed diplomatic source told IRNA on Sunday that Saudi Arabia had agreed to grant a visa to a diplomat introduced as the caretaker of Iran’s interests section.

Following the approval by Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Ministry, head of the Oman and Yemen Department at Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mohammad Alibek, has been appointed as the caretaker of the Islamic Republic’s interests section in the city of Jeddah, the official Iranian news agency further said.

Observers see the move as a positive diplomatic step in Tehran-Riyadh relations, it added.

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi said on Saturday that Iran planned to open an interests section in Saudi Arabia.

Source: Al-Manar, IRNA

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