Saudi Arabia, Israel too weak to act against Iran: lawmaker

Young journalists club

News ID: 2719
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 11:32 - 19 November 2013
Tehran, YJC. Senior lawmaker says agreements between Iran and the Six Powers will get Israel closer to its demise.

Speaking to ICANA, Deputy Chairman of the National Security and Foreign Policy Committee of the Majlis Mansour Haqiqatpour pointed to alleged to-be attacks by Israeli and Saudi forces on Iran’s nuclear facilities and said "Saudi Arabia is nothing to attack the Islamic Republic of Iran. As for the Zionist regime, it could not resist the 8-day war of Gaza. Such claims are just some braggadocio from Zionist and Saudi officials. If the Jerusalem-occupying regime launches an attack on Iran, it will have committed its first and last mistake.”

The Ardabil representative to the Majlis added "It is a relief that Iran has in its possession the greatest military power and the country is the fifth greatest missile power in the world. Our military forces have all these countries under their coverage. Saudi Arabia and the Zionist regime are much lowlier than to adopt such stances against Iran. Even the US cannot imagine attacking Iran.”

He asserted that the loser in Iran-5+1 agreement will be Israel and Saudi Arabia, adding "Saudi Arabia and its Zionist allies gain much from regional Irano-phobia. Now if Iran and the West develop their relations, regional reactionaries and the Zionist regime will surely suffer the greatest damage.”

 "Saudi Arabia is the executive and financial sponsor for Zionist plans about the region. It is to regret that by supporting the Zionists, it played an influential role preventing any final conclusion in the previous round of talks.”

The Deputy Chairman of the National Security and Foreign Policy Committee of the Majlis further said "Saudi Arabia seeks integrity around the Persian Gulf by spreading Irano-phobia, therefore supporting extremist groups. For its irrational policies, the House of Saud has turned into a precious ally for the Zionist regime in creating regional crisis. But with agreements to be made between Iran and the Six Majors, Saudi Arabia will suffer a great damage.”

A while back, Sunday Times had said that Mossad and Saudi figures were discussing a prospective attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities.

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