Explosions, fires burst across Massachusetts community, gas problem suspected

Young journalists club

News ID: 28834
Publish Date: 14:14 - 15 September 2018
TEHRAN, September 15 - Emergency response crews are responding to gas-related explosions in three separate communities in Massachusetts' Merrimack Valley region, local media reported Thursday. Three people have been reported as being injured in Andover.

Explosions, fires burst across Massachusetts community, gas problem suspected

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - State Police have confirmed 70 fires, gas, or investigations of gas odors in Lawrence and in North Andover. However, numbers are expected to grow. At least one home has been reported as being completely destroyed.

According to local newspaper the Eagle-Tribune, the fires are the result of a problem with the gas line that homes and businesses in Andover, North Andover and Lawrence are connected to.

Massachusetts State Police have told residents in all the affected communities who are served by Columbia Gas to evacuate, as the company is depressurizing its gas lines in response to the incidents.

Source: Sputnik News

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