Dark forces attempt to disrupt nuclear case: Iranian negotiator

Young journalists club

News ID: 2902
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 14:52 - 07 December 2013
Tehran, YJC. Araqchi says there are forces which intend ill to the Iranian nuclear case.

Iran’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs has visited The Hague to take part in the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) conference of state parties.

Speaking with Iran’s state TV in the sidelines of the conference, Seyyed Abbas Araqchi pointed to recent developments Iran has made with the Six Majors on its nuclear program and said "There are dark powers like the Israeli regime and some parties in the US which try to lay the negotiations waste. But we must try to make sense rule.”

"In a win-win situation it is natural for parties to give and take advantages. It does not sound a good approach when after the agreement some talk in a way to weaken its content, as they do when they say only a small part of the sanctions have been removed. Some statements by the opposite side fail to be constructive.  The two sides of the talks must take care the window does not close.”

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