'Shame on' protesters: Macron condemns violent 'Yellow Vests' rallies in France

Young journalists club

News ID: 31953
Publish Date: 10:54 - 25 November 2018
TEHRAN, November 25 - Large-scale "yellow vests" rallies over the rise in fuel prices sparked in France on November 17. According to the French Interior Ministry, more than 106,000 people were participating in the Saturday protests across the country.

'Shame on' protesters: Macron condemns violent 'Yellow Vests' rallies in France

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - According to the BFMTV broadcaster, at least eight people were injured during the violent clashes with police in Paris on Saturday. French President Emmanuel Macron condemned the violence of the "yellow vests" actions.

"Thanks to our law enforcement forces for their courage and professionalism. Shame on those who attacked them. Shame on those who committed violence against citizens and journalists. Shame on those who tried to intimidate the elected officials. No place for this violence in the Republic," Macron said on Twitter.

Last week, mass protests, dubbed "yellow vests" after the obligatory attribute of French drivers — a yellow light-reflective vest — sparked in Paris and then escalated into large-scale protests across the country and its overseas territories. The mass actions, which were supposed to be a one-day event staged by the drivers against fuel prices rise, saw some 400 people injured during the first day alone. The demonstrations continued through the week, turning violent on the island of Reunion, France's overseas department, where about 30 security officers have been injured and 109 activists have been arrested in the five days of manifestations.

In late 2017, the French government approved the decision to raise direct tax on diesel fuel, which is the most popular type of fuel in the country. The diesel prices in France have risen by around 23 percent since the beginning of the year, while the gasoline prices have gone up by 15 percent. Prices are set to increase further in January.

In particular, starting from January 1, gasoline proces are projected to increase by 2.9 eurocents per liter, diesel fuel by 6.5 eurocents per liter.

Source: Sputnik News

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