TEHRAN, December 02 - Germany’s government is under fire for serving pork sausage at a conference on Islam in Berlin this week.

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - The German Interior Ministry has been forced into an apology over the food choice that it said was selected for a “diverse religious attendance” at the event known as the German Islam Conference.
On the menu was blutwurst, known as blood sausage, which includes pig’s blood, pork and bacon. Muslims are forbidden from eating pork.
Interior Minister Horst Seehofer was in attendance at the conference, despite once claiming that Islam has no place in the country and that Germany had been “shaped by Christianity”. He said he wants to see a “German Islam”.
The decision to serve pork was seen by critics as intentional, although the ministry said it had served halal, vegetarian and fish dishes.
Source: Hawzah News Agency