Iranian researcher extracts anti-cancer bacteria from soil

Young journalists club

News ID: 339
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 10:20 - 04 March 2013
TEHRAN, YJC. An Iranian researcher has extracted four anti-cancer bacteria from soil in his doctorate thesis project.

The researcher Elham Moazamian said "The thesis topic is The Effects of Bacterium Bacillus Thuringiensis Toxin on Intestine and Blood Cancer Cells. In this project different bacteria from diverse geographic regions of Iran with diverse climates were extracted. From 4,146 Bacterium Bacillus Thuringienses extracted only the toxin from 4 had the ability to eradicate intestine and blood cancer cells.”

She added "After the laboratory research we found out that these four bacteria can eliminate up to 70 percent of intestine cancer cells and around 40 percent of the blood cancer cells.”

"The interesting thing about these four bacteria is that their toxin acts in a selective way, that is, it does not have any destructive effects on the normal human blood cells.”

Negar Azarpira, Shiraz University Medical faculty member also provided comments on the project and said "So far no such research has been done in Iran and the anti-cancer effects of this toxin have not been studied. We must keep in mind that this research has been conducted only in vitro.”

She said "Next we have to start research on animal samples with consultation from toxicologists. If the results are positive then clinical trials must be conducted on human in three stages so that the toxins’ medical effects are proved. These stages take at least 3-4 years.”

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