TEHRAN, YJC. The Orumiyeh representative to Majlis says he is the lawmaker paid more than others.

The YJC has made an interesting interview with Nader Ghazipour,
Orumiyeh representative to the Majlis. The following is what he said.
During the years of my office I have had no interest in the Majlis.
When the candidates registered for the 7th term elections some
friends came to me and insisted that I register. Unfortunately I was
disqualified. Two days to the elections people posted my posters everywhere in the
city. So it went that on the elections day many people voted for me. Basically that
election must have been renounced since the number of voids was more than the valids.
They also qualified me in the 8th term just four days
before the elections. During the 9th term also they qualified me on
Wednesday at 12:00, two days to the election day. They sent a paper saying "You
turned Muslim” [laughs].
At times when some other lawmakers are with their families I am
here studying proposals and bills. I study all proposals and bills. I don’t
feel ashamed to ask questions. I use lawmakers that are specialists. I would
not sleep unless I have studied next day’s note. Right now there are some bills
that are not yet on the agenda for the Majlis, but I have read them all and
written down the problems so I would state my rejection at the right time. The Labor
Law, the Guild System reform bill, etc. are among these proposals and bills
which I have studied.
I sleep in the Majlis most nights. Right here in my office I have
made a small room. If work goes on beyond 22:30 I sleep right here.
We receive money from the Majlis so we must work so that the money
is clean.
In the
Majlis I am paid the most. My disability payment included, I receive 27 million
Rls [approximately $1,000] per month.