Rouhni says Caspian Sea hub for cooperation, peace

Young journalists club

News ID: 3493
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 15:29 - 16 February 2014
Tehran, YJC. Iran’s president and Turkmenistan’s Foreign Minister have met in Tehran.

Having the Foreign Minister of Turkmenistan as guest, President Rouhani said "The Caspian Sea is for all of us a sea for cooperation, peace, and security. The Caspian littoral countries need more cooperation on protecting the environment, the ecosystem, the sea, sailing, insuring security, and defining the legal system.”

He added "Governmental and private companies of Iran hold valuable know-how in building power plants, dams, and housing units and are able to make it to Turkmenistan and improve the two countries’ economic and trade relations.”

The president also stated that Iran is ready to export goods and expert services to regional countries, Turkmenistan in particular.

He also stressed the need for the two countries to unite forces in fighting terrorism, smuggling, and organized crime.

Making an official invitation of Rouhani to visit his country, the Turkmen FM Rashid Meredov in turn said "We will keep on strenuous cooperation with Iran on the Caspian Sea.”

He added "Ashgabat is ready to expand economic and cultural relations based on brotherly outlook and the good fortune of the two countries being neighbors; and also to cooperate with Iran in meeting bilateral, regional, and international concerns.”

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