Europeans aware of Iran’s regional role: Larijani

Young journalists club

News ID: 34979
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 16:07 - 03 February 2019
TEHRAN, Feb 03 - Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani highlighted the country’s positive role in the region and said even some European countries that see their interests in conflicts know that the Islamic Republic cannot be excluded from regional developments.

Europeans aware of Iran’s regional role: LarijaniTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - “The reason why Iran has a dignified presence in the region is the correct plans developed in this area (by the country),” Larijani said in a speech on Saturday.

“Today, Iran's position is not such that one can force it to pull back and retreat from its position, because today, the position of the Islamic Republic of Iran has been stabilized in the region,” he noted.

Larijani went on to say that even some Europeans that are not after sustainable security in the region and see their interests in conflicts know that they cannot exclude Iran in the developments of the region.

In recent years, the Middle East has been plagued with Takfiri terrorist groups like Daesh (ISIL or ISIS), which are believed to have been created and supported by the West and some regional Arab countries.

The terrorist groups, which claim to be Islamic but whose actions are anything but, have been committing heinous crimes not only against non-Muslims but mostly against Muslims in the region.

Iraq and Syria have been among the countries gripped by terrorism.

Iran, a close ally of the two countries, has supported their legitimate governments in their campaign against foreign-backed militancy and terrorism.

Source: Tasnim

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