Tehran, YJC. Sheikholeslam says disparities between Iran and the US stem from deep, existential disagreements and are not to be solved.

Hossein Sheikholeslam, consultant to Ali Larijani parliament speaker,
speaking in a meeting on Saturday said "Our problems with the US concern two
different views of the world, the hereafter, and man. That is an existential
disagreement that cannot be solved.”
He added "Americans see the resistance axis as a monster
whose head is in Iran, whose tail is in Lebanon, and whose waist is in Syria. They
say the monster has to be slain in the waist to cut the way from head to tail.”
He maintained that Iran’s nuclear talks are going to be very
tough and said "Discussing some of the parts will need 20 years of negotiation.”
The consultant further said "The P5+1 are seeking to
set up a structure on which they could control all of Iran. I think they are
looking for more than the additional protocol. With these negotiations, Iran has
entered into a tough diplomatic war.”
Sheikholeslam also pointed to the Syrian crisis and said "Syria
is being punished for its cooperation with Iran in the 8 years of the imposed
war. They did not let the plan to overthrow the revolution come true. They opened
the way for the birth and development of Hezbollah and Hamas.”
Also providing comments on the OIC parliamentary union
recently held in Tehran, he said "The 48 countries attending the summit and
stood under the flag which represents the unsullied Muhammadan Islam and the guardianship.”
Pointing out that Saudi Arabia did not attend the summit, he
said "Saudi Arabia being absent showed the contrast between the two Islams,
proving the victory of the unsullied Muhammadan Islam. Whether or not they had
attended the conference, they were meant to be the major defeated side.”
"The rivals and the devils created another version of Islam to
the north of Pakistan with Israeli theories and with American mechanisms and
with Saudi Arabian money.”
He also made reference to Saddam Hussein’s war on Iran and
said "The plan for the war against Iran belonged to Americans, Saddam
implemented it and the Israelite supported it.”