Iran should be tough enough against the European parliament: Lawmaker

Young journalists club

News ID: 3873
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 12:12 - 09 April 2014
Tehran, YJC. Lawmaker says Iran’s Foreign Ministry has not appeared tough enough against the European parliament.

Right-wing lawmaker Esmail Kosari in interview with Nasim pointing to the European Parliament’s recent resolution on Iran said "It is a pity that weak diplomatic reaction against the EU and US has emboldened the EU enough to pass resolutions against Iran.”

"If the Iranian diplomatic department had reminded the crimes of the US and EU to them, telling them what brutalities they committed in the WWII and after; even how the French tortured Africans, neither European nor American countries would have become so bold to pass resolutions against Iran as they do,” the Majlis member said.

He further asserted "The government and the diplomatic system must give a crushing response to the EU and the West. They have also to ban all European political entities from setting foot on the soil of Iran so that they may understand that neither the Iranian nation nor the government owe any gratitude to them.”

Kosari emphasized that the Iranian parliament will not allow the EU to launch headquarters in Iran.

kosari ، eu ، ep ، resolution
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