Kidnappers demand $1.5 million for Cuban doctors taken in Kenya: sources

Young journalists club

News ID: 39427
Publish Date: 17:02 - 16 May 2019
TEHRAN, May 16 - Gunmen who kidnapped two Cuban doctors in northeastern Kenya and whisked them to Somalia have demanded $1.5 million (1.35 million euros) for their release, police and government sources said Thursday.

Kidnappers demand $1.5 million for Cuban doctors taken in Kenya: sourcesTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - The pair -- a general practitioner and a surgeon -- were abducted on April 12 by suspected Al-Shabaab in Mandera, near the border with Somalia.

One of two police officers escorting the doctors to work was shot dead by the attackers, who sped off toward Somalia with their captives, officials said.

Kenya and Somalia are working together to find the doctors, who Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel identified as Assel Herrera Correa and Landy Rodriguez Hernandez.

A top government official in Mandera said the kidnappers have demanded a ransom.

"The amount is $1.5 million. That is what they want," the official said on condition on anonymity.

A senior police officer told AFP a ransom had been demanded, but would not elaborate. Kenyan police spokesman Charles Owino said he had no such information.

Several sources said the doctors were believed to be providing medical services in Somalia.

They were part of a group of about 100 Cubans who went to Kenya last year to boost health services there.

Source: AFP

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