TEHRAN, YJC. The President has said that in the past years Iran has made the first country in reducing car crashes.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said
Wednesday in the 8
th Conference of Rahvar Police Chiefs that traffic
collision reduction in the past

six years has been a great happening, adding "Today
the road accident rate has remained at the level of that in 2002 while the
traffic has quadrupled, making Iran the number one country in collision
He added that while countries
throughout the world try hard to reduce road accidents inch by inch, Iran has
moved from having the most accident rate in Asia seven years ago to what is now
below the global average.
"In the early 9th administration we
held sessions to see why is it that car crashes increase 10 percent each year. All
believed that roads must be repaired and improved, which I believed was right. But
all also knew that improving roads took time,” Ahmadinejad stated.
"With scientific procedures”
he added, stressing the role of education, "we came to the conclusion that to
reduce traffic casualties, we must control driver behavior, since 75 percent of
accidents emanate from human factors.”
The President further said "In
the 1990s and 2000s there was three deaths per accident while the number has
reduced to 1 at the current time.”
He also provided comments on
the road design factor and said "The Police, with the aid of the Road
Maintenance and Transport Organization, have made good efforts in improving
safety and reducing casualties; and today accident prone zones in the country
are identified and furnished with road signs.”