Thousands rally to support Hong Kong police

Young journalists club

News ID: 41378
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 15:27 - 30 June 2019
TEHRAN, Jun 30 - Thousands protested outside Hong Kong's parliament on Sunday -- this time to support police as they face mounting criticism over their use of tear gas and rubber bullets.

Thousands rally to support Hong Kong policeTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - The large crowds, most of them dressed in white or blue, illustrated the ideological fissures now running through the finance hub as it experiences its worst political unrest in a generation.

Hong Kong saw two record-breaking rallies earlier this month by protesters opposed to a now postponed plan to approve extradition to mainland China.

But it has also been rocked by unprecedented clashes.

On 12 June police used tear gas and rubber bullets to clear largely young anti-extradition protesters from around parliament.

The police classified the demonstration as a riot and defended their tactics but opponents have accused officers of using excessive force and called for an independent inquiry.

Twice in the last two weeks the city's police headquarters has been blockaded by angry crowds.

Sunday's rally -- comprised of a noticeably older demographic, some waving Chinese flags -- was smaller than the huge anti-extradition marches but nonetheless showed that the police and pro-Beijing establishment still had plenty of supporters.

"I can't put up with peoples' behavior towards police," 70-year-old demonstrator Frances Yu told AFP.

A 54-year-old office worker, who gave his surname as Wong, said officers were trying to "maintain order" and that anti-extradition demonstrators had gone too far.

"It's like they went crazy, those who charged, lambasted police... I find it so senseless," he told AFP.

Many supporters turned out with children in tow, portraying themselves as a silent and peaceful majority.

Source: AFP

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