Hezbollah leader: US sanctions offense to Lebanese state

Young journalists club

News ID: 41956
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 14:15 - 14 July 2019
TEHRAN, Jul 14 - The leader of Hezbollah says U.S. sanctions against two lawmakers from his group are an offense to Lebanese state institutions which would need to defend themselves.

Hezbollah leader: US sanctions offense to Lebanese stateTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - U.S. Treasury targeted currently seated Hezbollah lawmakers, AP reported.

Hassan Nasrallah, in a wide ranging interview late Friday, said such tactics won't sideline the group, because Hezbollah is a "big force" that represents large segments of society and has widely popular elected officials.

Nasrallah said his group is a "main source of Lebanon's strength" when asked if the Lebanese state would yield to pressure amid threats of more sanctions. He said the sanctions would only add to the group's resilience.

Source: AP

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