Tracing plaque buildup may help researchers 'stage' Alzheimer's disease

Young journalists club

News ID: 42202
Publish Date: 10:17 - 21 July 2019
TEHRAN, Jul 21 -One of the hallmarks of Alzheimer's is the accumulation of beta-amyloid plaques in the brain, but what part those plaques play in the development of the disease isn't clear.

Tracing plaque buildup may help researchers 'stage' Alzheimer's diseaseTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) -Now researchers have taken the first steps to trace the progression of plaque buildup in living patients. This way of "staging" the disease has implications for research and one day may help doctors treat this debilitating, fatal disease. 

"It is possible to stage individuals in terms of how advanced their beta-amyloid deposition is, using PET scans," said lead researcher Dr. Niklas Mattsson, an associate professor of clinical neuroscience at Lund University in Sweden.

When beta-amyloid appears, it follows certain stages, he explained. Some brain regions are involved early, others at the intermediate stage, and some in the late stage of Alzheimer's.

"These stages are also associated with other hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease, such as levels of tau [another type of protein] in cerebral spinal fluid, cognitive decline and the wasting away of brain cells," Mattsson added.

"This staging system can be used both to improve research and perhaps also in clinical trials, to see if certain drugs are likely to be most effective in certain stages of Alzheimer's," Mattsson said.

By the time Alzheimer's is typically diagnosed, the brain is already destroyed, said Meredith Braskie, an assistant professor of neurology at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. She was not involved with the study.

The disease takes years to develop, which is why finding a way to diagnose it early is important, Braskie said. Most studies on plaque have been done on the brains of dead people.

"This study is important because they were looking at how amyloid spreads in living patients and coming up with stages for that," Braskie said.

Although no cure exists for Alzheimer's today, this finding could also help in testing drugs as they are developed, she said.

But, "this isn't directly related to patient care," Braskie said. "It's more for research to see if treatments are working."

For the study, Mattsson and his colleagues used PET scans from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative database. Among the 741 participants, 304 had no cognitive impairment, 384 had mild cognitive impairment, and 53 had Alzheimer's disease. Patients were followed up at two, four and six years.

At the start of the study, about 98 percent of the 2,072 scans weren't staged. Of those in the earliest stage of plaque development, about 15 percent would likely progress to a more advanced stage, as would 71 percent of those at stage 1 and 53 percent of those at stage 2.

Source: upi

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