Erdogan defies EU sanctions threat over Cyprus drilling

Young journalists club

News ID: 44214
Publish Date: 15:41 - 12 November 2019
TEHRAN, Nov 12_Erdogan defies EU sanctions threat over Cyprus drilling

Erdogan defies EU sanctions threat over Cyprus drillingTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club(YJC)_"Brussels has repeatedly warned Turkey to halt drilling off the coast of EU member Cyprus, and announced on Monday that a framework had been agreed to impose travel bans and asset freezes on the individuals and companies involved.

"Do not dare to give an ultimatum to Turkey about the developments on Cyprus," Erdogan said in a televised press conference on Tuesday. "We do not care about it, and we will proceed on our path."

The discovery of hydrocarbon reserves in the eastern Mediterranean has sparked a dispute between Cyprus and Turkey, which occupies the north of the Mediterranean island.

Erdogan again used the threat of "opening the gates" to millions of Syrian refugees that Turkey is hosting, and called for greater support, given its efforts in handling Takfiri prisoners.

"Review your attitude toward a country which keeps so many Daesh members in prisons and similarly controls them on the Syrian side," Erdogan said.

Source: AFP

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