Trump blames China again for coronavirus pandemic

Young journalists club

News ID: 45496
Publish Date: 15:18 - 20 March 2020
Tehran 20 March_US President Donald Trump has blamed China again for the global coronavirus pandemic, also known as COVID-19, using the term “Chinese virus” again despite growing criticism that it is racist and anti-Chinese.

Trump blames China again for coronavirus pandemicTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club(YJC)_“The world is paying a very big price for that they did,” Trump said Thursday at a White House news conference.

“It could have been stopped right where it came from, China,” Trump added.

Trump said US officials would have been able to act more rapidly if Beijing had fully shared information about the pandemic, which began around the city of Wuhan.

“It would have been much better if we had known about this a number of months earlier,” the president said at the daily coronavirus task force press conference.

Trump had praised China’s response to the coronavirus two month ago during the early weeks of the outbreak, saying that country “has been working very hard” to contain the virus.

But in recent days, Trump has repeatedly called the coronavirus the “Chinese virus,” and did so again at the beginning of his news conference.

Photos of the sheet of paper containing remarks that Trump read from at the beginning of the news conference showed the word "corona" was crossed out and replaced with "Chinese."

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