Iranians using social media to show support for doctors, nurses amid fight against coronavirus

Young journalists club

News ID: 45517
Publish Date: 15:02 - 22 March 2020
A palpable sense of national solidarity has pervaded Iran as the country’s healthcare workers continue to risk their lives to help treat coronavirus patients amid US sanctions.

Iranians using social media to show support for doctors, nurses amid fight against coronavirusIranians are turning to social media to show their support for healthcare workers and doctors fighting the spread of the virus to assure them that they are not alone.

Medical workers worldwide have been under pressure dealing with patients, but in Iran doctors and nurses are working under more hazardous conditions as sanctions have hampered the country’s access to medical equipment and supplies.

In a message issued to the American people on Friday, Iran's President Hassan Rouhani said "brutal" US sanctions unilaterally imposed on the Iranian nation were robbing a great number of Iranians of their health, jobs and sources of income.

"At a time that the Iranian people are harmed by both the deadly coronavirus and the most brutal form of US economic terrorism in history, the US government is not willing to abandon its malicious policy of maximum pressure; and is thus in practice aiding the spread of this virus with its sanctions," he said. 

Around two dozen medical staff have reportedly died so far in Iran as many hospitals in the country are grappling with a lack of protective gear. 

On March 10, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei agreed to a proposal to consider as “martyrs” medical personnel who have lost their lives in the fight against the coronavirus outbreak.

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