Organizations tell of ageing population

Young journalists club

News ID: 4594
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 12:12 - 10 July 2014
Tehran, YJC. Experts say that in 35 years, Iran will have an old population.

Statistics say that 161 births are registered in Iran every hour.

In the first 3 months of the Iranian year, 358,325 births were registered, 184,571 baby boys and 173,754 baby girls, according to Ali Akbar Mahzoun, Director of Population and Migration Statistics of Iran’s Civil Registration.

Also, Head of the Civil Registration Organization said this week that around 800 thousand marriages are annually registered, adding "Among 26 regional countries, Iran holds the 25th position. Statistics also show that 35 percent of the families have one or no child.”

Head of Iran’s Statistics Center Adel Azar has also mentioned that in 35 years, Iran’s population will be an old one.

He further stated "Right now 36 percent of girls and 59 percent of boys 20 to 29 years old have not married. We have to think of ways to facilitate their marriage.”

"Now there are 11 million young people with a 50-50 portion which we believe is a unique opportunity. In our economic plans we have to address the young generation who are the most productive part of society,” he added.

With constant reminders of the Supreme Leader, various governmental and non-governmental organizations have defined policies to encourage families to have more children.

The incentives include promised loans, piece of real estate land, and cash installments.

The Majlis also defined some policies fighting birth control measures, which included a bill to put fine and imprisonment terms on vasectomy operations as illegal surgical activity.





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