US views China’s rise as economic power as ‘existential threat’

Young journalists club

News ID: 46047
Publish Date: 21:46 - 10 May 2020
Tehran, 10 May_Tensions between Washington and Beijing have recently heightened over a blame game concerning the origins of the new coronavirus, but the rift had already been growing before the outbreak as the United States views the rise of China as an “existential threat,” says a political analyst.

US views China’s rise as economic power as ‘existential threat’Max Parry, a journalist and political commentator form Brooklyn, made the remarks during a phone interview with Press TV on Saturday, while commenting on the repercussions of the coronavirus pandemic that are fanning the flames of the already-bad rivalry between the US and China.

The novel coronavirus, which causes a respiratory disease known as COVID-19, first erupted in the Chinese city of Wuhan late last year before growing into a global pandemic, which has so far infected more than 4.1 million people and killed over 281,000 throughout the world.

US President Donald Trump keeps referring to the novel coronavirus as the Chinese virus and Beijing has hit back by claiming that the US military brought the virus to Wuhan and initiated the outbreak.

Trump has over the past weeks claimed that there is evidence Beijing created the new coronavirus in a medical lab in the Chinese city.US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also said there was “enormous evidence" backing the scenario. This is while the World Health Organization, senior US scientists and even the US intelligence community have rejected the claims despite pressure from the White House.

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