Autopsy finds police suffocated black man as Trump threatens to deploy military

Young journalists club

News ID: 46335
Publish Date: 16:04 - 02 June 2020
Tehran, 02 June_An autopsy shows George Floyd was suffocated by a US policeman, contradicting a preliminary ruling, which had said the African-American man’s death was caused by pre-existing heart problems.

Autopsy finds police suffocated black man as Trump threatens to deploy militaryA week after Floyd died in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the medical examiner's office released its official autopsy that called his death a homicide caused by "neck compression" and "asphyxiation from sustained pressure."

The autopsy blamed his videotaped death on the white police officer who pinned him down by his neck for nearly nine minutes as the unarmed black man was pleading "I can't breathe!"

"The evidence is consistent with mechanical asphyxia as the cause of death, and homicide as the manner of death," Aleccia Wilson, a University of Michigan expert who examined his body at the family's request, told a news conference.

Floyd, 46, was accused of trying to buy cigarettes with a “counterfeit bill.”

The black man’s death has set off snowballing nationwide anti-racism protests, which have turned to a major challenge for President Donald Trump months before presidential election.

Protester killed in Louisville amid ‘harshest’ coast-to-coast curfew

New York became the latest city to impose a nighttime curfew after consecutive nights of protests, enacting the strictest curfew since the race riots of 1943.

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said that the city’s curfew begins at 6 pm, saying that, “The focus needs to stay on taking down systemic racism and ending senseless violence against Black men and women — and we can’t let a small number of people hijack that movement by putting lives in danger and destroying property.”

The curfew is the harshest since the riots in 1992 following the acquittal of the officer who beat Rodney King, CNN said.

The announcement that America’s second-largest city will go into curfew again comes just hours after LA County cities Santa Monica and Beverly Hills said they too would have another night of lockdown. The local entertainment industry hubs of Culver City, Burbank also will be under curfew tonight, as will Glendale.

In Los Angeles and in Oakland, California, just east of San Francisco, peaceful protesters were detained and arrested for being on the streets past the curfew.

More than 40 cities have imposed curfews. Washington's mayor, Muriel Browser, said a curfew will start Monday at an unusually early 7.00 pm in hopes of preventing a repeat of “the destruction” in the US capital.

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