China conducts military drill in Tibet amid border tensions with India

Young journalists club

News ID: 46546
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 20:03 - 19 June 2020
Friday, 19 June_China recently conducted a military drill in Tibet autonomous region, reported by the state broadcaster CCTV on Friday (June 19), amid tensions along the border between China and India.

China conducts military drill in Tibet amid border tensions with IndiaThe drill, which took place at an altitude of more than 4,700 meters, was to test the firepower of the troops, according to CCTV.

Dozens of tanks and armed vehicles were seen during the drill in the video aired on the state television.

Tensions have been running high along the border of China and India.

India's army said on Tuesday (June 16) 20 of its soldiers had been killed in clashes with Chinese troops at a disputed border site in the western Himalayas.

The deaths were the first since the last major border clash in 1967 between the nuclear-armed neighbors — also the world's two most populous countries — which have been unable to settle the dispute along their lengthy frontier.

Source: Reuters

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