Trump's threats against China are signs of an unraveling presidency

Young journalists club

News ID: 46553
Publish Date: 9:44 - 20 June 2020
Saturday, 20 June_The Trump presidency is in a state of meltdown. He has been exposed once again as "an emperor without clothes." He is losing on all fronts and as a result, is lashing out in all directions. But all of his huffing and puffing is having no effect and his poll numbers keep on sinking as the November elections draw near.

Trump's threats against China are signs of an unraveling presidencyDuring the last week alone, the Supreme Court which Trump thought he had in his hip pocket, has ruled in favor of his opponents, extending legal protections to LGBT workers and keeping intact the Obama era orders protecting the children of undocumented immigrants.

Trump's opposition to both initiatives has been the hallmark of his administration. In like manner, his other policies directed against immigrants, the building of a wall along the Mexican border, and his attempt to penalize "sanctuary cities" have been struck down by court rulings. Other Trump policies, such as the dismantling of Obamacare have also been met with defeat.

Trump has also used racist "dog whistles" to pander to his base of mostly white males, alienating Blacks, Hispanics, educated whites, and women in the process. His support for a police force that serves as an occupying force in Black and Hispanic communities has also backfired with mass multiracial protests against police brutality and their murders of Black men sweeping the country.

Besides all that, Trump's criminal response to the COVID-19 pandemic led to the US having the largest numbers of cases and a skyrocketing death toll that led to the shut-down of the US economy and an economic crisis of unimaginable proportions. He is thus faced with a lose-lose situation, either keep the economy on hold until the pandemic abates, or open up the economy with the prospect of hundreds of thousands more unnecessary deaths.

Both the severity of the pandemic and the economic crisis that has ensued is the result of Trump's blunders. Trump was more concerned with signing a trade deal with China and keeping the Stock Market at record highs than anything else, as he saw them as tickets to a second term.

But his plans went astray and he now finds his re-election prospects diminishing on a daily basis. Come November the pandemic will not have miraculously disappeared and the economy will not have recovered to any large extent. Thousands will still be dying and millions will still be unemployed.

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