China, Russia, Iran call for measures to confront ‘US unilateralism’

Young journalists club

News ID: 46980
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 13:29 - 18 July 2020
Saturday, 18 July 2020_China and Russia have joined Iran to express strong opposition to the “US unilateralism” in international affairs amid a widening rift between Washington and Beijing over a litany of political and economic issues.

China, Russia, Iran call for measures to confront ‘US unilateralism’In a phone conversation on FridayChinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov voiced support for strengthening bilateral cooperation in the face of US pressure, China’s state news agency Xinhua reported.

Wang said the US is practicing its so-called policy of "America First" and pursuing its egoism, unilateralism and bullying policy to the extreme.

Washington has revived its “outdated Cold War mentality” in its policy toward Beijing, deliberately provoking ideological confrontation and violating international law and basic norms governing international relations, he added.

“China and Russia should not only push their bilateral relations to a higher level, but also stand by all countries with an objective and fair stance to reject any actions destructive to international order and against the historical trend, jointly safeguard world peace and stability, maintain the international justice and preserve global development."

The top Chinese diplomat said the US is using the coronavirus pandemic to smear other countries and shift its own responsibilities, adding that Washington has lost its sense of reason, morality and credibility.

Lavrov, for his part, said Russia and China should further strengthen coordination and cooperation in international affairs and safeguard international law and common interests of the two countries.

The Russian foreign minister said the United States is governed based on the ideology of American exceptionalism and egotism, adding that Moscow opposes Washington’s unilateralism in international affairs.

The remarks come as tensions between the United States and China have increased over China’s imposition of a new national security law in Hong Kong, an ongoing trade war between the world’s two largest economies and their handling of the coronavirus outbreak, among other diplomatic rifts.

In a phone conversation a day earlier, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani told his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin that measures must be taken to oppose US unilateralism, while emphasizing the necessity of preserving the landmark nuclear deal clinched by the Islamic Republic and world powers in 2015.

Stressing the need to maintain Iran’s nuclear deal, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), and ensure its full implementation as an international commitment by all signatories, Rouhani highlighted the urgency of countering US unilateralism in international relations.

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