Incoming MI6 Chief has strong diplomatic and intellignece background

Young journalists club

News ID: 47171
Publish Date: 6:57 - 30 July 2020
Thursday, 30 July 2020_In the latest churn at the top of the British security establishment, Richard Moore has been named as the next chief of the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), better known as MI6.

Incoming MI6 Chief has strong diplomatic and intellignece backgroundA senior diplomat, Moore is currently the political director at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and a former ambassador to Turkey.

Born in Libya, Moore epitomizes the revolving door between the FCO and MI6 as he originally joined SIS in 1987 and is reported to have held “director roles” in the service before he was seconded to the Foreign Office.

Moore will be replacing the outgoing MI6 chief, Alex Younger, in the autumn.

Younger is the latest intelligence chief to be removed early in what appears to be a deep crisis at the very top of British intelligence.

Back in late March it was announced that Ken McCallum was replacing Andrew Parker as head of the domestic Security Service, or MI5.

And only yesterday it was announced that Lindy Cameron is set to replace Ciaran Martin as the head of the GCHQ-controlled National Cyber Security Center.

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