Rouhani: Regional security, stability only possible through regional cooperation

Young journalists club

News ID: 47197
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 12:11 - 31 July 2020
Friday, 31 July 2020_Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani says establishment of security in the region is only possible through cooperation among all regional countries.

Rouhani: Regional security, stability only possible through regional cooperation“[Establishment of] security and stability in the region is only possible within the framework of regional cooperation and it is a sure thing that we can bring better conditions to the region by expanding cooperation,” Rouhani said in a phone call with Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, the Emir of Qatar, on Thursday.

The president also congratulated the Qatari emir on the occasion of Eid al-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice), which is one of the greatest Islamic festivities.

Rouhani’s remarks concerning the importance of regional cooperation towards enhancement of collective security came amid ongoing US-led intervention here.

The region has weathered almost two decades of military presence and interference by the United States and some of its allies, who have turned the hugely strategic region into a lucrative market for their incessant arms sales.

Turning to Tehran-Doha ties, Rouhani said “as two age-old neighbors,” the countries’ relations stood on a positive level, insisting that the Islamic Republic faces no limit in expanding its relations with Qatar as a friendly and brotherly country.

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