Damascus condemns "void agreement" between US company, SDF militants for stealing Syria oil

Young journalists club

News ID: 47237
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 22:02 - 02 August 2020
Sunday, 02 August 2020_Syria has strongly condemned an agreement signed between the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) militant group and an American oil company aimed at stealing the country's oil, stressing that Damascus considers the contract null and void with no legal effect.

Damascus condemns On Sunday, Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates made the comments in a statement, carried by Syria's official news agency SANA, saying such a theft is carried out under the sponsorship and support of Washington.

“Syria considers this agreement null and void, and has no legal effect while warning again that such despicable acts express the approach of those client militias, which have accepted to be a cheap puppet in the hands of the US occupation,” the statement said.

On Thursday, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo confirmed for the first time that a US oil company would begin work in SDF-controlled northeastern Syria, during his testimony to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

“I talked to General Mazloum [Abdi] yesterday, with the SDF. Apparently they've signed a deal with an American oil company to modernize the oil fields in northeastern Syria. Are you supportive of that?” Senator Lindsay Graham asked Pompeo during the testimony, referring to the commander-in-chief of the US-backed SDF militant group.

“We are,” Pompeo responded. “The deal took a little longer, Senator, than we had hoped, and now we’re in implementation.”

It is, however, not clear which American company is involved in the illegal project and whether any other companies were given an exemption to US oil sanctions on the Arab country.

void ، syria ، oil
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