Mexico's El Popo volcano blasts plumes of smoke, ash high into sky

Young journalists club

News ID: 47441
Publish Date: 9:03 - 15 August 2020
Saturday, 15 August 2020_Mexico's majestic Popocatepetl volcano rumbled to life on Friday (August 14), spewing smoke and ash columns some 600 meters (1968 feet) out from its crater.

Mexico's El Popo volcano blasts plumes of smoke, ash high into skyThe eruption occurred at 0727 local time (1227 GMT). The massive plume of gas and ash then dispersed towards the southeast, according to reports.

Mexico's National Center for Disaster Prevention has warned people to stay away from Popocatepetl, reporting that in the previous 24 hours it had observed more than 36 discharges from the volcano.

Popocatepetl is 5,426 meters (17,802 feet) tall and is the second-highest mountain in Mexico and the fifth-highest in North America.

Source: Reuters

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