Saturday, 05 September 2020 (YJC)_ Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman notes on the recent inter-Palestinian meeting held by the Palestinian groups and says it was the vigilance of the leaders confronting the Zionist regime.

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Saeed Khatibzadeh, highlightes that the recent inter-Palestinian meeting held by the Palestinian groups was sign of Palestinian leaders' vigilance facing the Zionist regime of Israel and its accomplices.
He, moreover, added “Iran welcomes intra-Palestinian meeting,”
He moreover put emphasis on the need to preserve unity among the Palestinian currents and hinted “Resistance to the criminal and invading regime is the sole solution to liberate the Palestinian lands and the holy Quds,”
“the Palestinian nation through resistance over the past several decades has proved that it will not put aside its persistence to regain the Palestinian territories” Khatibzadeh added.
The Palestinian nation have resisted despite years of occupation, repression and slaughter, the spokesman highlighted.