Political cowards afraid of negotiations, to hell with them

Young journalists club

News ID: 4815
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 14:14 - 11 August 2014
Tehran, YJC. Rouhani has taken to uncompromising response to opposition groups that do not favor the government’s nuclear talks.

Hassan Rouhani who was speaking at a meeting with Iranian ambassadors and representatives abroad, provided comments on schemes to stoke Iran and Islamo-phobia and stated that good sense would not allow such schemes to accomplish.

Stating that Iranian diplomats are among the top worldwide he said "During the negotiations what the nation demands is the basis for our approach which we will boldly pursue. If we miscalculate we will not succeed.”

The President further stated that some entities inside the country create a feeling of horror against relations with other countries and said "There is no independent doctrine to foreign policy; it is rather part of our national policy. There are the folks who shout political motto whereas they are political cowards. Whenever the negotiations are on they say they shiver. To hell with you, go somewhere where you won’t shiver.”

"The government has done a great job in the negotiations,” the President asserted, adding "Somebody told me to act in a way to fool the rival. I told him the time for such things was over, we would break the sanctions.”

Providing comments on the Geneva agreement he said "An important step was taken in these negotiations where both the enrichment itself was granted and our right to enrichment within the scope of regional needs was recognized; plus the fact that after a short while, Iran should not be any different than other members of the NPT.”

President Rouhani further said "We do not brag. We want to make a win-win situation. We must turn the unfairly distorted face of the Iranian Islamic Republic which they have been showing to the world, and introduce the real face. We want to solve our problems with all who want to be in good relations with us. Even those who were enemies for years, if they resign to our national rights, we will reduce tensions. Once we realize our interests are upheld, we will neutralize our relations. Our only red line is national interests. This government is not one to let go of the nation’s rights.”

"On the other side there are some who, even after the final agreement would say it was them who stopped Iran, who tamed Iran. But the time for such talk is over. They live in 50 years ago. It is not only inside our country that some people live in 50 years ago, they also got some who live years behind,” he said.

He further said "A things changed Israel was doomed to be defaced. In my opinion Israel was never defeated and defamed as it was in the Gaza war. Even the most devout Israel supporters were exhausted. Israel is a killer, a child murderer.”

The President further added "I thank our knowledgeable, alert Foreign Minister on behalf of the nation. Let you know that 90 percent of the people will always support the negotiation team. I said that cautiously, though, the ratio is more than that. In late Ramadan the Leader said he always prayed for the negotiation team, appreciating what a tough battle they fought.”

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