North Korea withdraws from inter-Korean armistice agreement

Young journalists club

News ID: 486
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 9:45 - 13 March 2013
TEHRAN, YJC. -- North Korea will continue pursuing its Songun, or Military First policy and strengthen its national nuclear deterrence forces,
North Korea says that continuation of the policy guarantees a reliable protection of national sovereignty.

This came in a statement in Pyongyang earlier today by a Defence Ministry official.

The official also reiterated that the inter-Korean armistice agreement, signed at the end of the 1950-1953 Korean war, is null and void. Meanwhile, South Korean sources claim that North Korea has recently increased six-fold the number of combat missions by jet fighters, - up to 700 flights per day.

Seoul says this is due to the ongoing South Korea- US war games.

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