Arrested: 2009 Intrigue link overseas

Young journalists club

News ID: 487
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 10:33 - 13 March 2013
Tehran, YJC. Sources say that today a very important connection of the 2009 intrigue has been arrested.

The source said "After several months of following the target and surveillance outside of the country we took many measures to bring the person back into the country, which yielded and the person entered the country,” Fars reported.

The source added "After arrival also we waited 40 days and kept the person under close inspections, it was a risk well worth the outcome. Much of the person’s domestic relations and well-known figures of the intrigue to whom the person had brought messages from outside were identified. The person was arrested when intending to leave the country.”

He added that immediately after security restrictions are eliminated more details will be announced.

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