US bombs Taliban outpost in central Afghanistan

Young journalists club

News ID: 48942
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 18:40 - 26 October 2020
Monday, 26 October 2020_The United States has carried out a fresh airstrike against a Taliban militants' outpost in central Afghanistan despite the ongoing talks with the group's representatives in Doha, Qatar, aimed at restoring peace and security to the country.

US bombs Taliban outpost in central AfghanistanThe US Forces spokesman said it launched the attack on Sunday evening to defend Afghan security forces in danger in the central Wardak province.

The US attack killed five Taliban militants, tweeted Col. Sonny Leggett on Monday.

Leggett added that the US airstrike was in line with the US-Taliban deal with the militants in February.

The aliban have accused the United States of violating the February deal by conducting airstrikes in the southern Helmand province.

Under the US-Taliban deal, the militants agreed to stop their attacks on foreign forces in return for the US military’s withdrawal from Afghanistan and prisoner swap with the government.

The Kabul government neither took part in the US-Taliban negotiations, nor in the deal, but it has been acting in accordance with its terms, including freeing the Taliban prisoners.

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