Israel frees Palestinian who went on 103-day hunger strike

Young journalists club

News ID: 49460
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 20:15 - 26 November 2020
Thursday, 26 November 2020_The Israeli regime has released Palestinian inmate Maher al-Akhras, who was on hunger strike for more than 100 days in protest at his detention without charge, in what he hailed as yet another victory against the occupying entity.

Israel frees Palestinian who went on 103-day hunger strikePalestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS), a human rights group based in the occupied West Bank city of Bethlehem, said Akhras was freed early on Thursday, days after he ended 103 days of hunger strike to protest Israel’s so-called administrative detention.

The PPS said the Israeli occupation authorities released Akhras at the Jabara checkpoint in the city of Tulkarm and he was later transferred to al-Najah National University Hospital in Nablus, northern West Bank.

“Praise be to God that I am now between my family and my people in Nablus, and that, God willing, we will get rid of the occupation with the mighty wills of our people, and live from victory to victory until we reach a greater victory and liberate Palestine,” Akhras told Palestine Today radio.

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