Yemeni forces launch fresh retaliatory drone strikes at targets in Saudi Arabia

Young journalists club

News ID: 50884
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 10:54 - 05 March 2021
Friday, 05 March 2021_Yemeni armed forces, backed by allied fighters from Popular Committees, have launched fresh retaliatory attacks against Saudi Arabia, targeting Abha International Airport and King Khalid Air Base in southwestern region of Asir.

Spokesman for Yemeni Armed Forces, Brigadier General Yahya Saree, said in a post published on his Twitter page that three domestically-manufactured Sammad-3 (Invincible-3) and Qasef-2K (Striker-2K) combat drones struck designated targets inside the sites with great precision early on Friday.

مجددا سلاح الجو المسير يتمكن بفضل الله من استهداف مواقع هامة في قاعدة الملك خالد الجوية ومطار ابها الدولي فجر اليوم بثلاث طائرات مسيرة نوع صماد 3 وقاصف 2k وكانت الإصابة دقيقة بفضل الله
يأتي هذا الاستهداف ردا على تصعيد العدوان وحصاره المتواصل على شعبنا العظيم

— العميد يحيى سريع (@army21ye) March 5, 2021

He added that the airstrikes come within Yemen’s legitimate right to respond to the Saudi devastating war and all-out blockade against Yemeni people.

The latest drone strikes came a few hours after the Yemeni army forces and allies launched a ballistic missile towards southwestern Saudi port city of Jizan.

The Saudi-led coalition later claimed it had intercepted and destroyed the missile.

Also on Thursday, Yemen’s military said it launched a missile attack against Saudi Arabia’s Aramco oil facility in the kingdom’s Red Sea city of Jeddah.

Saree said on Twitter that a Quds-2 cruise missile had hit the economically strategic site and the strike was accurate.

The senior Yemeni military official noted that the missile attack was in retaliation for a six-year military campaign led by Saudi Arabia in Yemen.

Two civilians killed as Saudi militants shell Yemen’s Ta’izz

At least two civilians were killed and ten others injured when artillery shelling targeted an area in Yemen’s southern coastal province of Ta’izz.

A local security source, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Saudi-led militants carried out heavy artillery shelling on al-Jumlah area in the Salh district of the province on Thursday evening.

Russian FM Lavrov invited to Sana’a to see stability, reopen embassy

Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, a member of Yemen's Supreme Political Council, has extended an invitation to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to visit Sana’a and obtain a more detailed understanding of Yemen's humanitarian crisis.

“We invite the Russian foreign minister, who plans to undertake a regional tour between March 8 and 12, to visit Sana’a to learn about security and stability [here in Yemen],” he wrote on Twitter on Thursday.

The Yemeni official called on Lavrov to reopen the Russian embassy in Sana’a instead of visiting the Saudi capital Riyadh, in order to acquire an in-depth understanding of the catastrophic humanitarian situation in Yemen as a result of the aggression being waged by the Saudi Arabia, United States, Britain, the United Arab Emirates and their allies.

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