Rouhani: Major crude oil to export to Oman Sea

Young journalists club

News ID: 51154
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 15:57 - 26 March 2021
Friday, 26 March 2021 (YJC)_Iranian President announced the export of major part of crude oil will take place from terminals of Oman Sea.

Rouhani: Major crude oil to export to Oman SeaIn his remarks during the inaugural ceremony of 39 national projects in trade and economic zones in different parts of the country, President Hassan Rouhani announced the export of major part of crude oil will take place from terminals of Oman Sea.

“As a giant project in Iran's history, Goureh-Jask crude oil pipeline will transport main part of Iran's oil through southern waters,” Rouhani said while adding that “The 1,000-km Goureh-Jask crude oil pipeline increases the transport capacity to one million barrels a day in southern Iran.”

He then went on to refer to the motto of the current year emphasized by Leader of the Islamic Revolution as "Production: Support and Eliminating Obstacles”, and noted “The government will continue surge in production to achieve the goals set for the new year vehemently.”

“In the remaining days in office, the government will turn the name of this year from word to action,” Rouhani pointed while saying “inauguration of the projects across the country is an indication of defeat of enemies' sanctions imposed against the Islamic Republic of Iran.”

Iranian government has inaugurated a series of projects across the country to keep up with the guidelines stipulated by Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei on "Surge in Production" for the past Iranian year.

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