Londoners hit parks as lockdown restriction eases

Young journalists club

News ID: 51182
Publish Date: 10:35 - 30 March 2021
Tuesday, 30 March 2021_Londoners rush outside to enjoy parks, as the nation enters the second phase of its coronavirus lockdown easing thanks in large part to a successful vaccination drive.
Londoners hit parks as lockdown restriction easesLondon reported zero Covid-19 deaths on Sunday for the only the second time this year, according to Government figures.

The UK as a whole recorded 19 coronavirus deaths, as data show more than 30 million people have now been vaccinated against the disease.

None of these were in the capital, according to Public Health England data. It is the first time the capital has reported zero deaths since February 27.

There is normally a reporting lag over the weekend, with fewer deaths recorded. But the most recent complete data shows the seven-day average of deaths in the capital now stands at 2.7, compared to 196 on January 16.
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