Wang Yi calls for better relations between China and EU

Young journalists club

News ID: 52218
Publish Date: 22:40 - 08 July 2021
Thursday,8 July 2021 (YJC) _ Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister said that China and the European Union should handle disputes properly and deepen mutual trust.

Wang Yi calls for better relations between China and EUChinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that China and the European Union should handle disputes properly and deepen mutual trust.

Wang made the remarks in a video conference with Josep Borell, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, in Beijing on Thursday.

"China and EU have a comprehensive strategic partnership, and we are two independent forces in the world, so we believe China and the EU have a responsibility to maintain dialogue and cooperation in our relations," Wang told Borell.

On his side, Borrell said differences should not prevent contact and exchange between the two countries, adding that there was scope for more cooperation on the environment, finance, sports and pandemic control despite differences.

eu ، china ، wang yi
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