China calls to further strengthen strategic coordination with Russia

Young journalists club

News ID: 52241
Publish Date: 21:28 - 11 July 2021
Sunday ,11 July 2021 (YJC) _ Chinese Foreign Minister called on China and Russia to jointly uphold multilateralism.

China calls to further strengthen strategic coordination with RussiaChinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Sunday called on China and Russia to jointly uphold multilateralism and oppose hegemony.

Wang made the remarks when he attended a reception marking the 20th anniversary of the signing of the China-Russia Treaty of Good-neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation.

He has also stressed strengthening strategic coordination and promote the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era to a higher level.

Wang has vowed to deepen political mutual trust and cooperation as well as cultural exchanges with the Russian side.

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